Ceramic notes

1. Eventual Consistency

In the context of distributed systems and databases, there are generally two types of consistency models: strong consistency and eventual consistency.

Strong Consistency (L1 Blockchains): In a strongly consistent system, like most L1 blockchains, all participants have the same view of the data at all times. When a transaction occurs, it must be immediately visible and consistent across all nodes in the network. This ensures high data integrity and consistency but often at the cost of scalability and speed, as every transaction requires consensus across the entire network.

Eventual Consistency (Ceramic): An eventually consistent system, like Ceramic, allows for temporary discrepancies in data across different nodes. This means that not all nodes have to be updated simultaneously. Over time, all the nodes will synchronize and become consistent. This model offers more scalability and faster response times because it doesn’t require immediate consensus across all nodes for every transaction. However, it trades off some degree of immediate data consistency.

2. Composable data

Decentralized network for composable data.

3. Get it running

Wheel is a CLI tool to run Ceramic nodes locally. It is a wrapper around the Ceramic daemon and IPFS node. It is intended to be used for local development and testing.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceramicstudio/wheel/main/wheel.sh | bash

To be continued