Posts in English

12 Jul 2024 Monero installation
09 Jul 2024 Notes on running a local/private AI
18 Jun 2024 Generating OpenPGP key GPG
11 Apr 2024 How and to what extent can blockchain decentralize domain name systems?
15 Mar 2024 Open Source contributions
01 Mar 2024 Ceramic and ComposeDB notes
27 Oct 2023 The Graph Studio
05 Oct 2023 Decentralized Computing with Bacalhau
28 Sep 2023 IPFS
26 Sep 2023 etebase on docker
07 Sep 2023 Bitwarden backups security concerns
31 Aug 2023 Typescript notes
04 Jul 2023 Replicate Manjaro's terminal on another Linux distro
22 Jun 2023 Polygon Supernet installation
06 Jun 2023 Polygon zkEVM
05 Jun 2023 Ethereum notes
06 Feb 2023 Random blockchain links
22 Dec 2022 Opnsense - Configuring ProtonVPN with Wireguard
01 Dec 2022 Install Kubernetes on Debian 11 (Bullseye)
26 Oct 2022 Docker secrets
20 Oct 2022 Wireguard notes
28 May 2022 KDE Wallet with GPG encryption
17 Feb 2022 Clarity notes
28 Jan 2022 Install pixelfed with docker
14 Jan 2022 CCXT development nodes
14 Jan 2022 Stacks links
01 Jan 2022 Linux Manjaro initial setup
01 Oct 2021 Sheep and Wolves
22 Sep 2021 Ansible
31 Jan 2021 My digital photography timeline
21 Jan 2021 Steps to run zigbee2mqtt in a Raspberry Pi 4 (or any other Pi)
15 Jan 2021 Things that bug me
01 Dec 2020 Reverse proxy solutions using docker
01 Sep 2020 Respect other opinions
01 Jun 2020 Fix locale error on debian based systems
01 Feb 2020 Docker useful commands
29 Dec 2019 Automotive Blockchain
01 Jun 2019 Project Mercury - Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Bot
15 Jul 2015 What if we advanced at different speeds?