Decentralized storage Storacha/Filecoin vs Swarm
Storacha/Filecoin vs Swarm comparison
Bold options indicates clear advantage
Storacha | Swarm | |
Payment | Credit card default. FIL token optional Access to space requires only a public key Payer of space requires creadit card and email |
BZZ and xDAI Tokens |
Access via | Key pair ED25519 |
EVM wallet secp256k1 |
Durations of storage contracts | Managed by Storage. Indefinite as long as you keep the Storacaha account Default is aproximatily one year | Stamps TTL 1 day minimum with no maximum |
Tech maturity | Medium | Low |
Storage cost | 5GB free From $0.03GB/month |
Token fluctuation. Currently: 0.3278BZZ/GB/month = 0.09/GB/month |
Storage blocks | Spaces with account capacity | Mimimum block of 500MB, doubling (1G, 2GB, 4GB, etc) |
Storage TTL | Minimum of 30 days in Storacha and usually aprox 1 year in filecoin Maximum: Filecoin deals |
Min: 1 day. No maximum TTL measured in blocks but converted to human friendly units |
Third party can | Make new Filecoin deals or host on own Storacha accounts | Extend stamps1 |
Our provider is a | Company | Protocol |
Exit options | We are tied to IPFS ecosystem but can leave Storacha and even Filecoin | Tied to Swarm Protocol |
Blockchain | Filecoin L1 | Gnosis L1 |
Indexing content of files stored | The Graph has native support on IPFS | Only centralized options |
Node knowledge | Anybody can see what fileoin deal and data provider is hosting any CID | Nodes are unaware of what data they host |
OW integration | Owen and Validator need a Storacha account or granted access to one | Owen and validator would run a Bee Light Node with xDAI and BZZ to upload data |
Storage type | Hot / Cold | Hot |
# of redundant copies | Managed by Storacha Upgradable by anyone |
Static by protocol |
SDK languages | CLI, JS, Go | CLI, JS Rust in development |
Stamps can be mutable or inmutable (add only or add and delete mode). Stamps can be extended by anyone. but only the owner of the stamps can add files to the “folder” that has the stamp. So for example, the validator cannot add files to stamps created by owen. (in the future maybe they will add this feature) ↩